How to customize mouse buttons windows 10 keygen#
You can also click the Settings button to select how long you have to hold down the mouse before the click is locked and you can move the window to any location. When enabled, you can simply click on an element briefly and drag, and to release click the mouse button again.
Under Double-click speeds, you can change the speed when you double-click anything on the screen.ĬlickLock is an interesting option that allows you to drag and drop without having to hold down the mouse button. Under Button configuration, the option Switch primary and secondary button is the same option found in the Settings app to configure the mouse for a left-handed person. On the Buttons tab, you'll find a number of options. If you want to customize your mouse pointer size, style, and other advanced settings, you'll have to click the Additional mouse options link to open the Mouse Properties from Control Panel. You can change this setting to No delay (always on), Short delay, Medium delay, or Long delay. If you're using a laptop, you will also get a section to change the touchpad settings on this page, which only includes an option to prevent the pointer from accidentally moving as you type. You can also turn on or off the option to scroll inactive windows when you hover them, so you don't have to click the window before you can scroll. If you select multiple lines, you can use the slider to set the number of lines to scroll each time. Under Roll the mouse wheel to scroll, you can choose from the drop-down menu whether using the mouse wheel scrolls one screen at a time or multiple lines.
The default setting is Left, which is the correct option for right-handed people, but if you're a left-handed person, you can select the Right option. Once you're in the Mouse & touchpad settings page, the first thing you want to do is to make sure you select your primary button. To customize your mouse or touchpad on Windows 10, do the following: Microsoft hasn't moved all the mouse options to the Settings app, which means that you'll have to use the Settings app and Control Panel to customize all the available options.